Tosh Kanno, Treasurer

Tosh - ORPCA

I was born in Japan to a second-generation US Citizen Mom. My family moved to LA; then I moved to Hawaii, where I was in sales at the Maui Searsstore, in Kahului. Eventually, I moved to Oregon, answered a newspaper ad for insurance sales, and started my career in personal insurance sales. As part of that career, I met my wife, Wendy, and went to work with her. I retired in May 2016 after 43 years as an insurance agent.
Through the years I’ve been lucky to own some nice sporty cars: a Datsun 240Z, a Toyota MR2, and a Honda S2000 (my best driver to that date). Also, I owned a couple of Porsches. The first was a very used two-liter 914. Not a fast car with no heater, no air, no power anything, and a go-kart hard suspension. I loved driving that car. Later I purchased a new 2005 Cayenne Turbo. In those days, that was a crazy fast vehicle but certainly not as nimble as the 914. In 2018 I purchased a new 2018 Macan Turbo and my relationship with cars and driving changed. I love this SUV. It’s fast, agile, very comfortable, reliable, elegant, and great-looking. Three years later, I ordered my 2021 992 Turbo S. Like all Porsches, it’s much more car than anyone needs but if you can appreciate and learn to respect their capabilities, they are certainly worth the investment. For me, it’s the perfect sports car. Every time I drive it, it makes me feel very lucky.

Also in 2018, I joined PCA and ORPCA. I recall talking enthusiastically to a friend in our club about the revelation of how well the Porsches drove and handled corners. He asked me if my Macan was my first sporty car. I had to pause and consider what he said. I’ve owned some sporty cars but never focused much beyond the basic transportation value of those cars. Now I have the support of our club to experience and learn the capabilities of driving a great car. Driving straight and fast is easy but one has to learn to master the curves. The ORPCA has opened my world to the joy of driving. But even more than the cars, what I enjoy the most is sharing the Porsche experience, the camaraderie with veteran members, and introducing new members to our group.

In the years since joining the ORPCA, I’ve had the opportunity to plan and lead many drives, have assisted in several events such as the Monthly dinners, and even assisted with our Northwest Passages.

I look forward to seeing you on the road and sharing the drive soon.

Contact Tosh

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President's Message

Carol Hedstrom

Wheels are rolling! 2025 is under way and we are off to a great start. This year marks the Oregon Region’s 65th Anniversary. As with most groups or organizations that have matured to such a ripe age, decisions made along the way have shaped the organization into what it is today. I am fortunate to inherit a well-run and well-managed club as I take on the role of President. I am thankful for those who have gone before me and who are now guiding me even as they themselves have stepped away from day-to-day club governance.

For the last nine years, the Club has been funding scholarships for automotive technician students at three local community colleges. The necessary cash to fund these scholarships is generated through the proceeds of an investment account that has grown over the last 20+ years. The Scholarship Program was set up years ago and requires Board approval on an annual basis. For the past several years, there have been numerous Board and strategy discussions as to whether scholarships are the “best” way to disburse $6,000 each year. Although the Scholarship Committee always provided a positive argument for maintaining the funding, the Board continued to struggle with the question of whether scholarships are the best use of the money we have. Once again, the Board found itself at budget approval time facing the same question. At February’s Board of Director’s meeting, the Board voted unanimously to suspend the funding of local community college scholarships indefinitely.

While we don’t have an answer to the question of “best” use of the funds that have previously been set aside, we agreed that scholarships are currently not the best fit. Although automotive technicians are people every Porsche owner needs in their lives and on their list of resources, there is no direct way to track the scholarship recipients and know for sure
if the Club investment of those scholarship dollars will ever come to the benefit of Porsche Club members. The tricky part of the conversation at the board level has been that while scholarships are benefitting a few students each year, what is the benefit to the Club? We would like to support and endorse programs that create a win-win scenario. We give some money, the recipients benefit, and the Club benefits through either goodwill or some other direct benefit.

In addition, and ideally, the Board would like Club members to feel more directly part of this giving pattern. Perhaps we can find a charity we can all agree is a good cause and set up a matching program. Perhaps we fund or support communities in some way. These are all deep, good conversations and decisions to be made. To that end, we will form a new committee to explore charitable or community focused opportunities that we may fund or support in the future. We welcome your input, ideas, and comments. If you would like to be a part of the so-far unnamed new committee, please let me or any Board member know. A couple of people have already stepped forward to spearhead the committee, but we hope to recruit three to five additional members. If you have an interest in community enhancement or thoughts about charitable giving, please get in touch with me or any board member.

I’m looking forward to getting some of the administration work of the Club completed before sunny spring days beckon for driving. There are already several events on the calendar that have me excited. Some are for the experience of driving, some for the chance to hang out with members and feel the passion you have for your cars, and others just to experience something new. I know 2025 is going to be a great year and I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds.

Let’s Drive!