Carole Hedstrom, President

Being part of ORPCA these past 10 years has opened my world to people, events, and places I had no idea existed. Serving on the board deepens the view of that world and I am honored to step up to the President’s position. I bring experience from having served as Secretary amd Vice-President, and from having participated in so many Club events. My goal as President is to support and encourage the greater Board and Club to continue to refine and expand various opportunities for our members including tours and social events, as well as drives and Porsche knowledge.

My personal inspiration for being part of the Porsche Club continues to be the fine example of Porsche engineering that lives in my garage. Walking past that beautiful 911 on an ordinary day at home puts a little pep in my step and a smile on my face. 

Contact Carole

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President's Message

Carol Hedstrom

Whew – we made it! December is over, and we are starting a new year. Twenty-twentyfour sped on by like a Guards Red GT3 on an empty highway. While I am eager for a fresh new year, the last few weeks of the outgoing year always bring a time of reflection and rejuvenation for me. This one has been full, personally and here at the Club. I have no doubts 2025 will be similar. In the short-term I’m going to focus on rejuvenation. Brad and I will be spending time with family and friends over the next few weeks. We’re traveling to Colorado for a white Christmas and look forward to the crisp days and bright sunshine of the Rockies for a few days. The New Year will see us back home with time to prepare mentally for the coming 12 months; like laying out goals and aspirations, and deciding which running of Northwest Passage to attend. You know, difficult decisions. I wish you all the best of the season! May you get time with those you love and time to enjoy the things that bring you joy. If one of those joyful things is a Porsche, you just made me smile.

Happy New Year, Oregon Region. I’ll see you in 2025!

Let’s Drive!