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Annual Oktoberfest SUV Drive

September 30, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm


Join us for the Annual Oktoberfest SUV drive! This is a leisurely drive through the wine country and West Hills.

The route is all on paved roads. You may join the drive in your SUV or other favorite Porsche.

The first leg travels on scenic backroads from Beaverton to Carlton Lower Park for a first rest stop. The second leg goes on back roads through the Carlton and Yamhill wine area, then through Cornelius to North Plains for a second rest stop. The third leg leads us up to Skyline in the West Hills , down to Helvetia and then through Bethany towards Forest Heights. The drive ends at the home of Sylvia Nessan and Heinz Holzapfel, who will host a backyard gathering with a Bavarian Oktoberfest BBQ: Pretzels, Grilled Sausages, Sauerkraut, Potato Salad and Bavarian Beer. If it’s raining, we will fit into the garage.

Please plan to arrive by 9am. The mandatory safety meeting will be at 9:15am and we will leave at 9:30am.

Registration information:

  • The “Release and Waiver of Liability” will be available to sign at the start of the drive.
  • Registration is by car. Each driver please register your car. If you have a navigator, please register the navigator at the same time. If you don’t have a navigator, just mark the navigator questions as NA. Please see registration at the bottom of this page.
  • Attendance is limited to 15 cars.
  • The start location, a printable PDF file with the Driving Directions as well as Scenic Navigation App Route and GPX file will be provided a few days before the event to all registrants. Please check your SPAM folder if you do not get an email from Heinz Holzapfel by 5:00pm the day before the event.

Questions:  Please contact Heinz or Kurt, Tour Chair

Event Policies Regarding Photography and Recordings: Click Here



September 30, 2023
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
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President's Message

Carol Hedstrom

Whew – we made it! December is over, and we are starting a new year. Twenty-twentyfour sped on by like a Guards Red GT3 on an empty highway. While I am eager for a fresh new year, the last few weeks of the outgoing year always bring a time of reflection and rejuvenation for me. This one has been full, personally and here at the Club. I have no doubts 2025 will be similar. In the short-term I’m going to focus on rejuvenation. Brad and I will be spending time with family and friends over the next few weeks. We’re traveling to Colorado for a white Christmas and look forward to the crisp days and bright sunshine of the Rockies for a few days. The New Year will see us back home with time to prepare mentally for the coming 12 months; like laying out goals and aspirations, and deciding which running of Northwest Passage to attend. You know, difficult decisions. I wish you all the best of the season! May you get time with those you love and time to enjoy the things that bring you joy. If one of those joyful things is a Porsche, you just made me smile.

Happy New Year, Oregon Region. I’ll see you in 2025!

Let’s Drive!