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September Midweek Drive

September 18, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm


Join us for the September Midweek Drive. The tour will start at the Clackamette Park in Oregon City at 9:00 am, and travels south on backroads to Springwater, around Mololla, Scotts Mill, Silverton State Park, Sublimity and ends in Lebanon at the J&C Big Foot Grill for Lunch.

The route is 108 miles, driving time 2hrs and 20 minutes. We will have two rest stops.

Tour Lead: Heinz Holzapfel.

The drive is planned for two groups for a total of 20 cars.

Registration opens 8/29/24 at 7:00 pm

If you are attending the September NW Passage, and don’t want to motor down I-5, this route leads you to Lebanon where the tour starts.


General information about this event:

  • The “Release and Waiver of Liability” will be available to sign at the start of the drive.
  • Registration is by car. Each driver must register their car. If you have a navigator, you will register that person at the same time. If you don’t have a navigator, just mark the navigator question as N/A.
  • The start location and a printable PDF file of Printed Route Directions, the Scenic Navigation Route and the Ride with GPS route will be provided a day before the event to all registrants. Please check your Spam folder if you do not see an email with the directions within 24 hours of the event.
  • Since this is a registration only event, please do not share this information with anyone else.

Questions:  Please contact Tour Chair

Event Policies Regarding Photography and Recordings: Click Here


September 18, 2024
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
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Clackamette Park
Clackamette Drive
Oregon City, OR 97045 United States
+ Google Map

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