Upcoming Autocross Events

ORPCA Autocross

Autocross is an exhilarating and fun way to help raise the level of your driving skills to match the capabilities of your Porsche!

This is a driving exercise, where a single car negotiates a closed course of cones to achieve the quickest time possible.  No previous experience is necessary; Novices are welcome. We cultivate an air of camaraderie and fun among our participants.  All you need is a driver’s license, an automotive helmet (2015 or newer SA or M Snell rated) and a car that can pass a basic mechanical safety inspection. Loaner helmets are available and instructors are available to answer questions and may be able to provide in car instruction depending on the Covid-19 status. Cars are run in classes against cars with similar performance. Bring any older or newer Porsche, including 911s, Boxsters, Caymans, Macans, Panameras, or Cayennes.

Your car will be given a tech inspection to make sure it is safe for autocrossing. Speeds are usually below 50 mph and driving is mostly in second gear.  Each driver generally gets between 6 and 8 runs competing for best time against other cars in their class. At the end of the event, elapsed times are factored for penalties and posted for viewing.

Oregon PCA Autocross

Your ORPCA Autocross team warmly welcomes all newcomers to join us in the pursuit of speed and car control. The ORPCA autocross experience is full of fun, camaraderie and a great way to make new friends. We currently have an average of 25-30 Porsche drivers entered at each event, and other marques are invited to participate. Autocross is a great way to teach Porsche drivers the handling and braking basics in a controlled environment. Whether you are a seasoned driver that needs a brush-up, or a novice with a desire to improve basic driving techniques, autocross may be the event for you. Need coaching or instruction? There are a number of skilled drivers that form our instructor base. They are happy to help with questions you may have. Instructional “seat time” may be offered depending on the Covid-19 restrictions. 

Located at Portland International Raceway’s (PIR’s) North or South Paddocks, participation is limited to about 60 participants per event. This allows for a better participant experience and ensures we’re able to efficiently manage the run groups. Please register early if you are interested in participating. Walk-ins will not be accepted and people on the waitlist will be added in order (priority to members) if there are cancellations.

Work assignments are mandatory and will be enforced. It takes volunteers to keep this event going. If you drive, you work………no exceptions. We realize some folks have special circumstances that may prevent them from working in specific roles. We’ll do our best to accommodate you. But we ask that you consider whether the physical aspects of autocross are appropriate given your individual health.

Please read below and check the other sections under the Autocross menu for more information. (Rules and Regulations, Tech Inspection, Car Classification and more)

What to Expect?

  • Arrive at PIR no later than 7:30am. Look for the ORPCA Autocross signs when you enter PIR
  • 7:30 to 8:30am – Our Check-In desk is open. Registered participants must check in at the desk. (Walk-in registrations will not be accepted.) Get your wristband and check your car number, and run group. Course maps will be sent the night before.   Please print and bring to the track. 
  • 7:30 to 8:30am – Tech Inspection is open. If you do not have a 2022 Tech Inspection sticker, you must get your car inspected your first event of the season.
  • The course is open for walking when the design committee releases it, generally, around 8:00am
  • 8:45am – Mandatory Driver’s Meeting
  • 9:00am – First car out
  • Two run groups – 60 car total limit

What are the Requirements?

Participants 18 years and older are required to have a valid Driver’s license and proof of insurance.
Do not ride/drive in any car except your own. 

What to Bring?

Always dress for the weather. A tarmac can run 20 to 30 degrees hotter than the ambient air temperature and you will be standing for possibly 1 to 2 hours. In the rain, umbrellas and hats are good. If it is below 50 degrees and raining, wear waterproof gear and stay warm. Other general things include:

  • Helmet (2015 or newer SA or M Snell rated) – A limited number of  loaner helmets are available.
  • If you are purchasing a new helmet for the 2022 season, make sure you purchase a 2020 Snell rated one.  
  • Bottled water
  • Fruit and or snacks
  • Jacket and hat
  • Change of shoes

Please check the other sections under the Autocross menu for more information.

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President's Message

Carol Hedstrom

Wheels are rolling! 2025 is under way and we are off to a great start. This year marks the Oregon Region’s 65th Anniversary. As with most groups or organizations that have matured to such a ripe age, decisions made along the way have shaped the organization into what it is today. I am fortunate to inherit a well-run and well-managed club as I take on the role of President. I am thankful for those who have gone before me and who are now guiding me even as they themselves have stepped away from day-to-day club governance.

For the last nine years, the Club has been funding scholarships for automotive technician students at three local community colleges. The necessary cash to fund these scholarships is generated through the proceeds of an investment account that has grown over the last 20+ years. The Scholarship Program was set up years ago and requires Board approval on an annual basis. For the past several years, there have been numerous Board and strategy discussions as to whether scholarships are the “best” way to disburse $6,000 each year. Although the Scholarship Committee always provided a positive argument for maintaining the funding, the Board continued to struggle with the question of whether scholarships are the best use of the money we have. Once again, the Board found itself at budget approval time facing the same question. At February’s Board of Director’s meeting, the Board voted unanimously to suspend the funding of local community college scholarships indefinitely.

While we don’t have an answer to the question of “best” use of the funds that have previously been set aside, we agreed that scholarships are currently not the best fit. Although automotive technicians are people every Porsche owner needs in their lives and on their list of resources, there is no direct way to track the scholarship recipients and know for sure
if the Club investment of those scholarship dollars will ever come to the benefit of Porsche Club members. The tricky part of the conversation at the board level has been that while scholarships are benefitting a few students each year, what is the benefit to the Club? We would like to support and endorse programs that create a win-win scenario. We give some money, the recipients benefit, and the Club benefits through either goodwill or some other direct benefit.

In addition, and ideally, the Board would like Club members to feel more directly part of this giving pattern. Perhaps we can find a charity we can all agree is a good cause and set up a matching program. Perhaps we fund or support communities in some way. These are all deep, good conversations and decisions to be made. To that end, we will form a new committee to explore charitable or community focused opportunities that we may fund or support in the future. We welcome your input, ideas, and comments. If you would like to be a part of the so-far unnamed new committee, please let me or any Board member know. A couple of people have already stepped forward to spearhead the committee, but we hope to recruit three to five additional members. If you have an interest in community enhancement or thoughts about charitable giving, please get in touch with me or any board member.

I’m looking forward to getting some of the administration work of the Club completed before sunny spring days beckon for driving. There are already several events on the calendar that have me excited. Some are for the experience of driving, some for the chance to hang out with members and feel the passion you have for your cars, and others just to experience something new. I know 2025 is going to be a great year and I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds.

Let’s Drive!