Avertise with us!

Advertise with us! - Anzeiger, ORPCA Webpage and Classifieds

When you’re in need of parts, service, detailing, or perhaps some good food or a new house, please think of utilizing the various community businesses that support our club and our newsletter, the Anzeiger. And when you stop in or give them a call, be sure to mention that you saw their information either here online or in the Anzeiger. Support those who support the club! 

To become an Anzeiger or a ORPCA webpage advertiser, please contact

Tom Floyd, Sales and Marketing Director 

for rates and available ad sizes.

To place a Classified (Marketplace) ad in the Anzeiger, please contact Peg Ryan

Anzeiger Classified Ads is a free service provided to Oregon PCA members. Ads usually run for 2 issues. To submit, update or renew an ad, send an email to Peg Ryan. Information received by the 25th of the month will be included in the next issue of the Anzeiger.
Each item is limited to 50 words. When selling a car, please include the year, model, body style, additional features, mileage, price, your name, phone number and an email address. Each ad may include a single photograph and will be included if there is enough space. Items offered for sale must be the personal property of the member and not connected with any commercial enterprise.

Non-members may place classified ads for $15 per ad without a picture and $25 with photo, per issue. Items must adhere to the requirements stated above and are subject to space availability. Please submit to classifieds@oregonpca.org and note that you are sending a check to the club.

Mail payment checks, payable to Oregon Region PCA, with a note on the check that this is for a classified ad for a non-member, to:
Oregon Region Porsche Club of America – Att: Treasurer 
PO Box 281
Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Oregon Region Porsche Club of America reserves the right to reject or edit any ad, is not responsible for any errors, and does not guarantee compliance with the regulations of the Federal Trade Commission.

Our Marketing Partners

Porsche Beaverton

Valued advertiser since 2010

Matrix Integrated

Valued advertiser since 2010

Heckmann & Thiemann Motors

Valued advertiser since 2010

Stuttgart Autotech

Valued advertiser since 2010

Avant Garde Web Large

Valued advertiser since 2020

AR Autoservice

Valued advertiser since 2018

Marque Motors

Valued advertiser since 2010